• ☏ +1 (913) 365-9990 | ✉ hr@i-giants.com

Our Services

Rent A Programmer
  • Are you hard-pressed to outsource project development/programming outside your premises?
  • Are you facing problems with hiring programmers/developers/your project management team?
  • Are your internal resources over-stretching the fixed IT budget?
  • Are you facing higher risks in retaining and managing your IT team internally?
  • Do you have a high-dependency on internal IT resources exposing you to greater risk?
  • Are you facing a lack of expertise in a wide scale of technology solutions?
  • Are you constrained by limited flexibility to meet changing business environments?
  • Do you lack innovation and have problems keeping up in times of fast change?
  • Does your team lag behind in their learning of cutting-edge technologies leaving you unable to embrace new technologies with the result that your business loses out on accessing an improved IT application infrastructure?

These questions are never-ending as you are bound to face new challenges regularly in today’s competitive global business world. Information Technology evolves faster than thoughts. Today, technology keeps changing and the business environment poses ever new challenges that compel enterprises to do things differently to stay ahead of competitors. As businesses are driven to deliver quality, at low cost and with speed, outsourcing to competent service providers is inevitable to mitigate high risks and uncertainties.

Your search for an ‘offshore outsourcing company’ ends here. If you are looking for an Outsourcing Service provider, I-Giants is the right partner for your business, able to bring you the desired technical expertise, relevant experience, and delivery fulfillment capabilities. For any of your project development, product development, support & maintenance, and web development requirements, you can:

  • Hire an Offshore Web Designer
  • Hire an Offshore Support Programmer
  • Hire an Offshore Dedicated Programmer
  • Hire an exclusive Offshore Development Team
  • Build an Offshore Development Team